Autor: Desconhecido
Centro de Fabrico: Desconhecido
Data: Século XIX (?)
Material: Óleo sobre tela
Dimensões (cm): Larg. 45,5; alt. 54
Proprietário: Geosil – Empreendimentos Agrosilvícolas, S.A.
N.º de Inventário: PDdep0013
In the foreground, one may see the figure of Dionysus – the god of wine – almost naked and reclining on the ground. He rests his right arm on a blue globe and holds, in his left arm, a cornucopia overflowing with fruits and flowers – an attribute of abundance and a symbol of agriculture and commerce. His head is crowned with vines and clusters of grapes.
![Objeto museológico (PDB)](https://pacodosduques.gov.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/PDdep0013-1.jpg)