


Ducal Palace

Decree of 16-06-1910, DG, no. 136, of 23-06-1910, that classes the Ducal Palace as a National Monument;

PDecree of 24-11-1951, DG, II Series, no. 103, of 30-04-1952, that sets the preservation perimeter for the Castle, Church of S. Miguel and Ducal Palace;

Published in the DG, II Series, no. 151, of 27-06-1955, that creates the “Furniture Commission”;

Decree of 15-04-1955, DG, II Series, no. 170, of 23-07-1955, that alters the protection zone of the Castle, Church of S. Miguel and Ducal Palace;

Decree no. 40 759, of 07-09-1956, on the adjudication for the conclusion of the restoration works in the Ducal Palace;

Decree-Law no. 42 365, de 1959, equating the Ducal Palace to a National Palace;

Regulatory Decree no. 34/80, of 02-08-1980, for the creation of the Instituto Português do Património Cultural;

Decree-Law no. 97/84, of 21-03-1984, on staff;

Decree no. 353/87, of 09-04-1987, on staff;

Decree-Law no. 216/90, of 03-06-1990, on the creation of the Instituto Português do Património Cultural;

Decree-Law no. 106-F/92, of 01-06-1992, on the creation of the Instituto Português do Património Cultural;

Decree-Law no. 96/2007, of 02-03-2007, on the creation of the Instituto de Gestão do Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico;

Decree no. 377/2007, of 30-03-2007, on the Instituto dos Museus e da Conservação;

Decree-Law no. 114/2012, of 25-03-2012, on the matter of the Direções Regionais de Cultura;

Decree no. 227/2012, of 03-08-2012, on the internal organization of the Direções Regionais de Cultura;

Decree no. 1083/2017, of 30-01-2017, that establishes the entrance fees for museums and monuments under the Direção Regional de Cultura do Norte;

Decree no. 5399/2017, of 29-05-2017, that revises the Decree no. 1083/2017;

Internal Procedures on Uniforms for the Alberto Sampaio Museum, Ducal Palace and Guimarães Castle, of 12-04-2022.


Decree of 27-08-1908, DG, no. 199, of 05-09-1908, that classes the Guimarães Castle as a National Monument although the magazine and other facilities remain in the War Ministry;

Decree of 16-06-1910, DG, no. 136, of 23-06-1910, that classes the Guimarães Castle as a National Monument;

Decree of 24-11-1951, DG, II Series, no. 103, of 30-04-1952 that sets the preservation perimeter for the Castle, Church of S. Miguel and Ducal Palace;

Decree of 15-04-1955, DG, II Series, no. 170, of 23-07-1955, the protection zone of the Castle, Church of S. Miguel and Ducal Palace;

Regulatory Decree no. 34/80, of 02-08-1980, for the creation of the Instituto Português do Património Cultural;

Decree-Law no. 216/90, of 03-06-1990, on the creation of the Instituto Português do Património Cultural;

Decree-Law no. 106-F/92, of 01-06-1992, on the creation of the Instituto Português do Património Cultural;

Decree-Law no. 96/2007, of 02-03-2007, on the creation of the Instituto de Gestão do Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico;

Decree no. 377/2007, of 30-03-2007, on the Instituto dos Museus e da Conservação;

Decree-Law no. 114/2012, of 25-03-2012, on the matter of the Direções Regionais de Cultura;

Decree no. 227/2012, of 03-08-2012, on the a internal organization of the Direções Regionais de Cultura;

Decree no. 1083/2017, of 30-01-2017, that establishes the entrance fees for museums and monuments under the Direção Regional de Cultura do Norte;

Decree no. 5399/2017, of 29-05-2017, that revises the Decree no. 1083/2017.

Surrounding area of the Ducal Palace and Castle

Partially included in the Special Protection Zone of the Guimarães, in the Special Protection Combined Zone of the Guimarães Castle, Church of São Miguel and Ducal Palace of the Bragança/ Inclusion in the Protection Zone of the Chappel and Wayside Cross of Santa Cruz;

Decree of 24-11-1951, DG, II Series, no. 103, of 30-04-1952 that sets the preservation perimeter for the Castle, Church of S. Miguel and Ducal Palace;

Decree of 15-04-1955, DG, II Series, no. 170, of 23-07-1955, that alters the protection zone of the Castle, Church of S. Miguel and Ducal Palace.

Church of S. Miguel

Decree of 16-06-1910, DG, no. 136, of 23-06-1910, that classes the Church of S. Miguel as a National Monument;

Decree of 24-11-1951, DG, II Series, no. 103, of 30-04-1952 that sets the preservation perimeter for the Castle, Church of S. Miguel and Ducal Palace;

Decree of 15-04-1955, DG, II Series, no. 170, of 23-07-1955, that alters the protection zone of the Castle, Church of S. Miguel and Ducal Palace.